In January we gave each person an Epiphany star with a single word on it; one word. These words were prayed over and then randomly chosen for you in the hope that, over the course of this year, this star word would guide you to an awareness of God's love and light in your life and all around you.
We have heard reports of star words in cars, on bathroom mirrors, hanging from refrigerators, and kept in Bibles. In passing many of you have shared stories of how your word came to light in your own lives.
So, this Advent season, we will be sharing some of those stories with you.
Advent is a time when we are reminded that God continues to come to us. It dares us to imagine Immanuel, the God who is with us, in the midst of our own lives.
We trust that, in these stories, you will find reflections of God’s light and love; that you will be inspired to continue on your own journey of discovery and be drawn ever closer to the Christ child.
Rev. Jayne Davis